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Technology Consulting & Implementation

Technology, Managed.


Let's face it, technology is overwhelming.

Most organizations still struggle to understand how to align business objectives to the rapidly changing expectations of their clients and adopt technology in an effort to drive efficiency.

As we've moved from mainframes to servers and back to mainframes (cloud) a new horizon of disruption awaits around the  corner.  

Everyone is "Managed Services" but no one seems to want to manage anything.

Yet often organizations haven't yet seen the value in prior technology investments and are left with a decision on technical debt.

With the convergence of vendors into platforms, often what is needed is cost-reduction strategies, employee engagement techniques or avoiding shiny-new-object syndrome altogether. 

Technology audits, assessments and always start with people and process. 


AI or not AI, what is the question?

Tired of Being Frustrated?

Technology frameworks are different from communication systems but must work together. 

Check it out

After strategy - get ready to take off!

What really gets us excited is going deeper and seeing projects through the next phase of development - going to market.

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 🌟 Great technology strategy starts with design - not engineering.

Organization Culture

Technology organizations must be adaptive to the needs of both highly technical users as well as people who struggle to understand how to use tools effectively.

What. When.  How.

Context is central to all successful projects

Aligning to Stakeholders. Executive, Business and Finance and IT.  Together.

🌐 Great Discovery is Great Strategy

We listen to stakeholders, interview teams, conduct user research help to define requirements and remove obstacles.  For IT to emerge from a culture that is reactive, tactical and 'doesn't get it' requires a commitment across the organization to think differently about the role.  

🛠️ We must think like designers not just engineers 

Faster is not always better.  Cheaper is often more expensive.  Without considering factors like total cost of ownership, service agreements or impact on people strategy, IT is an expense not worth investing in.

Sometimes the mindset must change to one that embraces both accountability and change, which can often seem at odds. Developing soft skills around business case planning, project management and communication protocols can establish a foundation for success that can be sustainable and rewarding.

Amy S., Architecture Firm Partner

He has really helped us problem solve ways to keep our firm up to date and running smoothly, and on top of that he's helped us do it at a reasonable cost.

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🌈 Off the Treadmill, onto the Road

We bring deep technical background implementing systems servicing functions as diverse as marketing to the public and providing white-glove support to both customers and internal teams.  Prioritization of projects, staff augmentation or auditing vendor proposals and costs are all areas we have deep expertise having worked on both the client and vendor side. 

We sit on the same side of the table as our clients, so they can focus on creation of enterprise value.